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D.WattsRiot / KingLMan
Dave Watts (aka KingLMan) is a British musician, DJ and producer who worked in the 1980s for Virgin Records and was a member of the Anglo-Pakistani group Fun-Da-Mental. He is currently in charge of his label Ear Conditioning and his musical project KingLman, with whom he has just released an album titled “Headonix” in collaboration with Keroxen. An intimate work to the point of being painful, focusing on the social challenges of an increasingly inhumane globalized world; but also full of hope and love, fused with traditional music from different latitudes and cultures. As a DJ, Dave has become an essential piece ofthe Keroxen line ups, a true master of ceremonies present in the openings and closings of the festival programme every year. His ability to read the audience and guide them beyond the expected and collectively unexplored sonic realms full of mysticism, tribal rhythms, funk, hip-hop, rap, and above all, energy, make his sessions truly unique experiences. And not to forget his frenzy contortionist dance. Pure magic.