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Keroxen Label
KEROXEN Label is the recording label associated with the festival. With this endeavor the festival aims at serving as as an edition and promotion platform for local artists who share our vocation for experimentation, enjoyment and visual and sonic distortion
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You can send you proposal to including a short bio and links to the audio material. Beware that KEROXEN Label only edits artists of the Canary Islands and projects associated with the festival.
Nestor's Nest - Rob Mazurek
Aquapelagos Vol.3: Pacífico. Vica Pacheco & Pak Yan Lau
Saturno 3 - Atmósfera 0 - Salétile
Ganzfeld - GAF & The Love Supreme Arkestra
Pentagonono - Tupperwear
Valediction - Resonance
Aquapelagos X: Sun Araw & Spencer Clark
Aquapelagos Vol.2: Índico. Mike Cooper & Pierre Bastien
Radar Keroxen Vol.1
Pyramids - Gaf y la estrella de la muerte
Sinedown - Halli Crigi
Gurú - Pony Bravo
Pianoïse - Hara Alonso
Rumor Vitreo - Tupperwear
Volver a la tierra - Monocroma
Odoro - Usted
Humanoides del abismo - Salétile
Pachinko Plex - ZA!
Mokele Mbembe - Tupperwear
Castillo Interior - Pumuky
Hidden Island Music (untitled #398) - Francisco López
Headonix - KingLMan
Saturno Mágico - São Paulo Underground & Tupperwear
Infame Golpazo en Keroxen - Los Pirañas
Geometría Prohibida - Miniatura
Seeds Of Light - Postman
S/T (Repress) - Gaf & The Love Supreme Arkestra
Radar Keroxen Vol.2
Garden Island - Gaf & The Love Supreme Arkestra
Radar Keroxen Vol.3
ZA! & la TransMegaCobla - ZA!
Aquapelagos Vol.1: Atlántico. Lagoss & Banha da Cobra
Radar Keroxen Vol.4
Imaginary Island Music Vol.2: Ascension - Lagoss
Night-Time Birds - Akane
Truquetín Resorte - Cruz Perro Maldito
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